U utakmici nadolazećih zvijezda NBA lige, na kojoj je uspješno nastupio i prošle godine, Dario Šarić ponovno je bio je jedan od najboljih na terenu.
.@tiagosplitter shows up for @dariosaric‘s postgame interview and the topic is sharks and Batman.#NBAAllStar Weekend is great. pic.twitter.com/RQCbpe8VWB
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
U pobjedi ekipe Svijeta nad SAD-om 155:124 ubacio je 18 poena, uz tri skoka i pet asistencija.
.@JoelEmbiid, @dariosaric, @BenSimmons25 and Team World come out victorious in the #KickstartRisingStars Game. #HereTheyCome pic.twitter.com/SSy3axnYrg
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
Šutirao je 7/11, a ubacio je četiri trice iz sedam pokušaja.
Najkorisnijim igračem proglašen je novak Bogdan Bogdanović s 26 poena, od čega sedam trica, četiri skoka i šest asistencija.
TIAGO OUTTA NOWHERE pic.twitter.com/B0GoV11NRt
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
The Homie making it pic.twitter.com/0iAifHupxt
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
In Philly, they call me THE HOMI3. pic.twitter.com/69fZZMZ4kr
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
@dariosaric pic.twitter.com/k4uOnCM7na
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
#HereTheyCome#NBAAllStar x #KickstartRisingStars pic.twitter.com/OBLwxQIL6u
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
Family photo before the game #NBAAllStar x #KickstartRisingStars pic.twitter.com/HUy41ZgKhB
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
Gang’s all here. #NBAAllStar x #KickstartRisingStars pic.twitter.com/TCgjrmlTHW
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 17. veljače 2018.
“In Philly, they call me The Homie”#NBAAllStar x #KickstartRisingStars pic.twitter.com/hIrPMUzU3x
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 16. veljače 2018.
#NBAAllStar Weekend is underway and it’s safe to say @dariosaric is excited. pic.twitter.com/mqiEZTqogZ
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) 16. veljače 2018.